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5 Best powerful WordPress plugin To Speed Up Your WordPress Site

In the present day, WordPress is considered as the most popular CMS platform which has attracted a huge number of users towards it by supporting them in various activities like blogging, enhancing their writing skills and many more. As the load is increasing upon the WordPress, caching could help in speeding up the WordPress site and hence it will boost the performance. In simple words, the cache contains lots of temporarily stored data which is used for quick access based on the user’s command. Visiting your WordPress site, when other visitors are also visiting makes the load slower and cause inconvenience to you. But, caching helps you in skipping a lot of steps, thus, reduces the load on the server. Instead, of going through the whole process, the caching plugins makes the copy of the loaded page, and present it to you when you try to frequently visit the site. Having a faster website helps you to drive more traffic towards your website, which will even affect your SEO ranking. Therefore, using a powerful WordPress plugin will help in speed up the WordPress site in the most effective and efficient manner.

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is a most productive plugin for your WordPress. It comes with the compatibility for mobile-friendly sites that uses SLL. It improves the performance of the site by x10 times. It is excel in reducing the page loading time which could increase the visitor time on the website leading more visitors to the website. It even saves the 80% of the bandwidth by compressing HTML, CSS and other file formats. Beginners might find W3 Total Cache difficult to install and use, but it offers a wide range of facility to the users like object cache, gzip compression, CDN Support, limited minification support and many more.


Autoptimize is owned Frank Goossens who is a seasoned web technology based out of Ghent in Belgium. Autoptimize easily optimizes the page which decreases the load on the site. It even comes with an extra option which could even allow you to optimize the Google font, images JavaScripts and many more. It improves the performance of the site even when you are already on HTTP/2. It is available in 24 different languages making it compatible worldwide with different users from different regions. The latest version of Autoptimize is 2.4.4 which optimizes the page more effectively than before.

WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache is of the most widely used cache plugin available for the WordPress. It comes with a pack of easy installation method but has some extra settings for the advanced users. It could support multiple caching types like PHP, Legacy, and Mod_rewrite. It has the facility of CND support, serve static HTML files and cache preload. The best part of WP Super Cache is, all the facilities of it comes in free of cost making it more adaptable with the current market scenario. With all the needed features it comfortably optimizes the website, hence speed up the process of loading and allows greater traffic in it.

WP Fastest Cache

WP Fastest Cache comes with a great set of features along with a well-balanced ease of use. Some plugins which are available in the current market are too basic, and some are too complex, but WP Fastest Cache falls on the middle of it offering the level as per the user’s requirement. You just need to install the plugin, activate it and run the program. It even minify the HTML and CSS easily. It has the feature of setting the expiration time for all the posts, pages and URL strings along with the CND integration. It even comes in a premium pack having extra features.

Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster

Asset Cleanup is a page speed optimizer plugin owned by Gabriel Livan. It makes your page load very faster by decreasing the number of HTTP requests and even removes the conflicts between the theme and plugins. It is very efficient in providing a smoother experience to its users. It even makes the codes easier to scan and make the website enough faster so that it can be ranked higher in the search engines. The basic fundamental of Asset Cleanup is to make the page load faster, which makes the visitors happy and hence a number of users would be attracted to Asset Cleanup.

If you are struggling for speeding up your WordPress, you must go for the powerful cache plugins, which effortlessly makes your job easier and makes the website faster like before. With the growing number of visitors every day it is very essential for every WordPress user to have a plugin in their system so that their experience could be enhanced with ease.

Written by Shaurya Preet

Hey, I am Shaurya Preet. CEO & Founder of Themez Hub. I am frequently researching the latest trends in digital design and new-age Internet ideas.

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