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7 Best WordPress SEO Plugins for Better Ranking

Running a business without website is not possible in this web loving world. At the present time, websites have become compulsory for almost all websites. Apart from this, making it SEO or search engine optimization friendly is another vital aspect. Though, determining whether your website is search engine friendly or not that depends on so many factors.

Search engine optimization is a necessary activity, if your business has gone online. There are many different activities that encompass a total SEO. The best way is to make use of the best WordPress SEO plugins.


SEO WordPress plugins are premium plugins that can be used for your blog. They are enormously useful in order to improve the visibility of your website, optimize the website content, rank higher on Google and get the attention of visitor on your site.

So, here with the help of this write-up, you will be able to find some of the best SEO WordPress plugins that helps your website to achieve and automate the goals with ease. This article is listed with top 7 the best WordPress SEO plugins that can be used for better ranking and search engine results. facilitates the user a comprehensive SEO plugins theme solution.

It is equipped with essential SEO features along with security scanning setup.

It includes advanced galleries like tiled, mosaic, slideshows along with social media add up features that allow users to add social media buttons to your posts and pages.

You can also form builder contact forms along with extended customizer. It also provides

extended widgets like Flickr, Eventbrite, Google Calendar, Twitter, and much more.  This allows you to be worry free from your website’s SEO point of view. It boots your website vistors numbers with its advanced SEO friendly features.

Google XML Sitemaps

Google XML sitemaps aids search engines’ web crawlers to go through your site easily. According to general SEO rule, to appease search engines crawling is essential.

As you know that search engines do put the rules for SEO and what they say goes for who gets top rank of the SEO game. Google offers its own XML sitemap plugins that helps its users to create a sitemap with easiness, and without the call for for any third-party plugins. After generating the sitemap, keep in mind to submit it to the Google Search Console. You can also try Google XML sitemaps for Videos and for Images.

All in One SEO Pack

All in One SEO Pack was created in 2007 that is counted as one of the most downloaded WordPress plugins. It includes a large number of features that help sites on their SEO initiatives. With All in One SEO Pack, a lot of the optimization can be done automatically for instance title optimization and the generation of Meta tags. This SEO plugins helps beginners to perform and achieve SEO gaols for their website at ease. It has large number of features facilitating the SEO optimization with a set of few clicks only.  It also claims to be the only one plugins offering the integration to e-Commerce sites such as WooCommerce for free.

W3 Total Cache

Website loading and running speed is something that is very important aspect for both; Google and marketers, they take it very seriously. W3 Total Cache is a website that helps you to make your website search engine cache friendly. W3 Total Cache plugins aids a website to scale and sustain a considerable amount of traffic without crashing the website. This SEO plugins enhances both the SEO and user experience of your website by dropping download times as well as escalating site performance through content delivery network integration. It has transparent CDN management with theme files along with media library and WordPress itself. This plugins is compatible with dedicated servers, servers and shared hosting

All in One WP Security & Firewall

Even though WordPress is protected enough but it is still always smart to add a security plugins to your blog page, which also includes SEO friendly features. On this node, nothing can beat WP Security & Firewall as it is featured with a number of security attributes such as password protection tool. It also includes checking whether any of the accounts have a similar username of passwords. In addition, it also offers a security score, which shows how protected is your site. Everyone seeks for the top ranking along with the best security of website. All in one WP security & Firewall is a comprehensive solution for them.

Yet Another Related Posts Plugins

Keeping your website viewers for as long as you can do on your website is a great sign for better SEO as it improves ranking by reducing your website’s bounce score. As we know that a low down bounce rate is a sign that your viewers are finding your website helpful and hence spending more time. Yet Another Related Posts Plugins is one of the best plugins for overseeing this particular area. It aids display related contents that the users discover interesting to read and want to spend more time on your website.

Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress

Google Analytics for WordPress plugins is an easy and powerful plugins that allows you to connect your WordPress website with Google Analytics, to see how visitors discover and use your website, so you can keep them coming back.  It has large number of smart features such as real time stats by which you can see real time stats inside your Google Analytics dashboard. You also get universal tracking system along with Google analytics dashboard and ads tracking system.  It has numerous SEO Features that helps to optimize your website easily.


Everyone wants their website to be on the top of search page. But checking is completely dependent of his or her smart technological choices. Choosing such WordPress SEO plugins can fulfil your business goal at pocket friendly prices.

Written by Shaurya Preet

Hey, I am Shaurya Preet. CEO & Founder of Themez Hub. I am frequently researching the latest trends in digital design and new-age Internet ideas.

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