
New, Creative & Modern Job Board & Freelancing Template

A job board template is the starting point for a new record or a job offering web site. Such template is a system, configuration, or structure used as a guide to making something out of the crowd from the existing websites by allowing you to add-on n number of features and functions. ThemezHub’s Job Hill an excellent examples of responsive and job seeker friendly sites.

Why Job Hill and it’s benefits:

Themezhub has an impressive product in its wide portfolio – the Job Hill Template. It is a complete Job Board HTML Template. With the Job Hill Template one can very easily create a job listing website.
With this template, it is possible to make a comprehensive fully Responsive job portal complete with a job posting recruitment website.

Job Hill gives the essential structure that logically brings together the important essentials for a good Job Board and Freelancing Template. It structures these fundamentals logically into modules and components. Job Hill Template also provides the cascading style sheet for the site.
The use of Job Hill Template will save you a lot of precious time and money. It allows you to focus your resources on the core activities rather than re-inventing the wheel.
Creative & Modern Design:-

A look at the following features list is enough to tell you about the contemporary technology and design offered by Job Hill –

  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Built with Bootstrap 3.7
  • Freelance Page Include
  • Grunt Tasks
  • Responsive design
  • Well documented
  • 5 Home Pages
  • 2 Blog Page
  • 25+ Pages
  • Developer friendly code
  • Easy to customize
  • FontAwesome 600+ icons
  • ICONS ET-LINE 100+ icons

All these features and easy customizability make it users’ delight. The wide variety of icons and ease customization lead to each users’ Job Board or Freelancing Template becoming as unique as a customized one. ThemezHub leaves no stone unturned to ensure that clients get the best experience and can make the website of their dreams.

Creative & Modern Design:-
Templates serve as a beginning. But the problem is the overall look and layout of the site may be overpowered by it. Themez Hub understands that all template users have their unique requirements and therefore Job Hill is designed so that it gives itself to customization very easily and is extremely user and developer friendly.

Free & Premium Job Options:-
The template provides for Free and Premium job options that are a must for any Job Portal Website. This feature allows you to service employers by looking for people to fill up the distinct nature of vacancies across various levels and verticals in the organization. A company can use the platform for their top personnel or recruit freshers.

Multi Job List Designs:-
The Multi Job List Designs makes the website easy to use to people searching for jobs. The Multi Job List Designs allows you to categorize various openings on the basis of various factors and makes it easy for candidates to search through openings for something that suits their requirements. The feature is also useful for organizations to post vacancies across different lists.

Free Admin Dashboard Included:-
The template comes with a free admin dashboard. The dashboard makes overall control of the website very easy. It gives an idea of the whole structure and what is happening at any point in time at a glance. The dashboard gives a live update of the number of jobs on the board, the period of display, the hits, and applications, etc.

Get Free Regular Update:-
It is a Themez Hub tradition to keep on updating the products to keep in sync with the changing technologies and user needs. With Job Hill-based Job Portal Websites, you never have to worry about your website being outdated or old styled. The regular updates will make sure you are on par with the best.

Autocomplete Features Available:-
A Job Board without an autocomplete is just not acceptable in this day and age. Unlike many other Templates, Job Hill comes with an in-built autocomplete. You can imagine the relief it gives to a job seeker by making her task simple. Online career search is incomplete without autocomplete. We understand it perfectly well.

Multiple Job Category & Employer Designs:-
There is a provision of multiple job categories for all employers. No organization ever had the same kind of vacancies. There may be multiple requirements across departments and levels. A well-structured format allows for a logical classification of various categories making a search for a suitable profile easy for candidates.

Easy For Customization:-
A template is useful only if it allows for easy customization. No one would want a website that looks and feels like 10 others! We understand this perfectly well and make sure that there is an easy customization possibility for each of our clients. The design gives in to the unique identity and requirements of each user.

Free 7×24 Fully Support:-
Support is the most important function of technology products. It is not enough to make a good product and rest on the laurels. After sales is often a more challenging and tedious job. It can make or break the user experience. The millions who are using our products will vouch for the dedicated support always available.

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Written by Shaurya Preet

Hey, I am Shaurya Preet. CEO & Founder of Themez Hub. I am frequently researching the latest trends in digital design and new-age Internet ideas.

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