
10+ Top Websites to Get Best Free & Premium Icons


Icons and Emoticons are widely used today for use in Web, iOS, Android or Desktop Applications. Be it a simple app for text messaging or any other App involving a game, or maybe some App used for sharing pictures. These Icons or Emoticons, or as people call them today, ‘Emotes’, help in making the application more and more attractive to users and consumers. As it is said, the first impression is the last impression, the app developers try to make their app leave a strong impact on the customers/consumers by making their app icon look more beautiful and vibrant. This list of websites, has a plethora of icons and emoticons used for App Development for Web, Android, iOS or desktop applications.


Freepik is a website which holds about a hundred thousand (100,000) icons for personal and commercial use. They use various formats like PNG, EPS and SVG. They have two different methods of sorting the icons, first by popularity, and second by the date of upload. This website holds a lot of different categories to sort the icons category wise, a few examples are Animals, Charts, Clothes, etc.



Are you looking for royalty free stock images such as generic photos, illustrations and icons to use legally for your online business, organization or any other product based services for marketing those materials, websites, packaging, book covers and many more? If yes, then be happy you are at right abode. Here, you are gonna get the best solution for the most suitable stock images.

Why to go for stock images?

It is a big fact that stock photos attribute a notable advantage over custom images, mainly price and ease of use. As you know that you can browse and download all the stock photos according to your need within few hours and pay very little or may be at zero cost Whereas custom photos require a professional photographer, well planned setup and scheduled photo shoots, many times even models. The exact amount of time, money and effort spent in custom photo shoots is much higher than stock images. So, the best manner to use stock photos is to “disguise” them so that they look real. This enables you to get the best of both; fast and easy photos without the burden of price.

From where to get the best stock images?

Now, the question is from where to get these icons or illustrations to disguise them to make it business perfect? And, the answer is, it is one-stop-solution for a wide range of more than 2 million royalty-free Icons and Images from 400+ contributors, covering almost each and every categories. You can search by putting the key requirement on this website and will be availed with a long list of suitable and alluring icons without wasting time, effort and any cost.


Iconfinder is a larger website holding about a huge number of Three Million (3,000,000) icons in the SVG format in different packs. It also hosts an icon search engine where you can type keywords related to the icons, and get easy and sorted search results. This website holds a collection of free and premium(paid) icons. The premium or paid icons give you a basic copyright license.


Flaticon has the largest database of free and premium icons available in different formats like PNG, SVG, EPS, PSD and BASE 64. It features a lot of free and premium icons in forms of packs. It features different categories of packs, for example, Best Packs of the Month, Best Premium Packs of the Month, Most Popular packs of all times and many more. It also features Apps and Extensions to generate patterns, Google docs and font faces.


Icons8 has about a hundred thousand free flat icons, in any format, size and colour, and claims to tend to users’ demands in 20 seconds. They have all social media icons like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and all kinds of arrow icons. They hold basic phone, home and setting icons too, but also tends to unorthodox demands of the users and developers. They guarantee no charges levied on users. This company is funded by big companies like Microsoft, Siemens, Adobe, UBER, Apple and Accenture.


Icomoon is a website to generate SVG and more formats and also generate fonts. It holds a variety of icons and emoticons, in forms of packs, free and purchasable both. This is a very plain website, but a little difficult and complicated to use and understand.


Iconmonstr has a variety of icons, but in plain bold or line, black and white colours. It separates the icons in Fill/Bold(heavyweight icons) and Thin(lightweight icons) categories. It displays the icons in a big thumbnail format along with the time they were uploaded.


Fontawesome is a website catering to web and app developers with Vector and social logos. They claim to be the web’s mpost popular icon set and toolkit. They offer free and Pro modes of usage of their website. They provide very less free icons compared to Pro icons. They compile icons in their packs based on seasons, like winter, holiday, etc. Fontawesome works in different platforms like CSS, SVG and Adobe Apps.


Pngtree provides quirky and colourful icons, apart from the standard logos and icons. They hold about A million and a half icons, and also employ the use of an internal search engine to easily sort and find icons using keywords. It is a small and a simple website and very easy to use and access icons.


Iconstore features and showcases free icons by first-class designers. They provide with very colourful, quirky, animated and cartoon like icons. Perfect to use on an app which is supposed to be easy going and fun. It also holds a small section of premium icons but the free icons are already too appealing to the users.


Freeicons also contains of icons in various formats like SVG, PNG, AI, EPS and PSD. It is a free icon hosting website. It also employs the use of a search engine to make it easily accessible to the users who know exactly what they want, by using a keyword. It uses very minimalistic icons, although a few of the packs are coloured.


Ionicons use beautifully crafted open source icons on their website to cater to users and developers. Ionicons holds premium designed icons for use in Web, iOS, Android and Desktop Apps. They support SVG and Web font. Ionicons use completely open source icons licensed by the MIT. They use simple, black and white, minimalistic icons.


Themify holds a complete set of icons for use in web design and applications. It consists of over three hundred pixel-perfect, hand crafted icons drawing inspiration from the Apple iOS 7 update, and they have also made it available to the public, completely free. It offers different plug-ins too.


Webalys is a website famous for their vector icon designs. They offer free and paid content as packs and also provide with license. It is a website for Web Professionals. Webalys caters to UX designers, Graphic designers and Developers. Webalys’ icons work with softwares like Illustrator, Photoshop, Keynote, Powerpoint, Omnigrafle and also PDF,EPS,PNG Files.


Material icons are delightful, beautifully crafted symbols used for common actions and items. The icons and packs can be downloaded for use in the digital products for Android, iOS and Web. Each theme is available in a number of different themes, sizes and densities, and also different fonts. All the icons on this website are open source.

Now we are familiar with the different websites to procure icons and emoticons for use in App or web development for different Android, iOS, Web or Desktop apps.

Written by Shaurya Preet

Hey, I am Shaurya Preet. CEO & Founder of Themez Hub. I am frequently researching the latest trends in digital design and new-age Internet ideas.


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