
Top 10 Powerful Tricks to Boost Your Facebook Posts

Boots Facebook Page

Linking your business with social media is certainly a good move in order to make your business a brand. Specially, social platforms like Facebook are undoubtedly something unbeaten in business promotion. Millions of people are connected on a single interface, your post can be viral in few minutes and your business can be brand by sharing posts. Now, the question is how to make a powerful facebook post and why it is needed? So, here is your answer-

There are over 42 million Facebook Pages active on web; so, if you want your page has an impact you will need to build your “followership” actively. You are literally like a pin in a haystack, or if you prefer, a drop in an ocean. Facebook is perpetually evolving, giving us reasons to either love or hate it. But there is no denying its power and reach. Remember Cambridge Analytica.? 

You are competing with millions of other Facebook Pages also desirous of populating their fans base. And of course people already suffer information overload, so you must give them good reasons to bite. Let’s have a look at some tricks to make your Facebook posts so powerful that your fan base keeps expanding.  

(1) Enhance your visibility quotient

You are writing a Facebook Post for people, and if they aren’t on your list, your posts – no matter how captivating – would be like winking in the dark – without the audience. Only you would know what you are posting!

A meaningless soliloquy.

Reach out.

Use a tool to invite all your phone contacts by email. Send a personalized message directly to your friends that are likely to join Facebook, and subsequently, your Page. 

(2) Content is King

Give your fans good contents to chew upon. No matter what else you do, crappy content won’t attract repeat visitors to your Page. Make your contents captivating. Once people get attracted due to the quality of your contents, they are likely to remain. Humans are like rats. Creature of habit. 

(3) Offer freebies

Like handing out candy to a child, everybody loves a good thing, especially when it costs them nothing. And that would make them to be more positively disposed to your Page  

(4) Make your fans feel special

Ask them what types of content and gifts they would like receive. Engage them. Perpetually look for ways to go beyond published contents and promotions. If you give your fans a good sense of belonging, they will likely reciprocate, and help you develop your page further.

(5) Be Easy to reach

Place a link in your “About” Section. 

You are building a brand, and you need high visibility. 

Include all your social media handles and other details. Make it easy for people to reach you with just a click. Ensure these links are at vantage points that don’t need digging to discover / ferret out.

 (6) Give people an incentive, and they would eat from your plans

 Offer a Reward for People to Like Your Page. Depending on what your page is about, offer gifts to everyone who visits your page, and by doing so more people will be inclined to click “like” and join the chorus. The more valuable your gift is, the more people will like your page. And the propagation proliferates!

 (Hard to get) e-books are particularly great for attracting and retaining repeat visits from fans.  

 (7)Know your customers cold

The more you know your audience (fans), the better you will be able to correctly target your content and obtain sterling results.  Visit to have access to data from pages you manage. Click “statistics” in your Admin Panel of your Facebook Page to have access to your data demographic. 

 Click on the tab “People”.

Knowing the age, residence, sex and other information makes it easier for you to better tailor your posts .Google makes most of its revenue by serving people adverts. The adverts would not be that relevant without having information about the people receiving those adverts. Do the same. Know your people. When people are targeted what matters to them or what is relevant, they are likely to stay on. You can use the Facebook Audience Optimization tool to better target your audience.

 Still talking arrowhead-targeting, make use of Facebook Insights to discover which times / days your audience is most engaged and capitalize on them. The posting frequency / regularity are also important, as you want to sustain your momentum, and show predictability.  

(8) Publish native Facebook videos.

Vlogs (video blogs) are getting more popular. Humans just love videos. Make use of professionally produced high-quality Facebook videos and watch your audience count balloon. 

(9) Visibility was earlier mentioned above.

Obviously you want as many people as possible to view your posts. So, share links to the posts on all your Facebook Page on your Facebook profile, and all your social media handles as well. This will give a better exposure to your post and you will get more views, comments and likes, this would further link other audiences thus bringing more visibility.

(10) Tools to do this are abundant online.

There are various free tools available on the website that can introduce to make more powerful ads and posts by adding on different required concerns also eliminates the hurdle things from the post such as punctuations, slangs, uncompleted sentences etc. Also, these tools can help to target the right audiences as per their need, age, location, gender and interest.

Creating an amazing and alluring facebook post can bring thousands of eyes to your business product thus making your business revenue generator. But, in order to achieve so, you have to learn the above mentioned powerful tricks to boost your facebook post. By following these instructions, you can easily create powerful post that can allure million of views to your post and thus turning your potential audiences in to permanent clients.

Written by Sharwan Kumar

Sharwan Kumar is a passionate web designer and social media entrepreneur. He is frequently researching the latest trends in digital design and new-age Internet ideas. He is also CEO and Owner of Smart SEO Toolz.


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